Course Catalog

Maths (MATH 103)

Offered By:  Media Engineering and Technology Faculty

Course Prerequisites


Math 103 is the first mathematics course given to first semester engineering students in their first year of study. This course will train students to think logically by tackling numbers, inequalities and basic functions in details as in chapter 1. It then introduces them to apply the concepts of: “limits and continuity” of functions in chapter 2. Besides, derivatives of functions and its geometrical meaning to solve real-life and engineering problems like `optimization' which is covered in chapter 3. Finally, a small chapter 4 is given as a not so-short introduction for integration of functions. The course chapters are ordered in an accurate way that makes sense so that each chapter depends on the previous one(s), which reflects that the chapters are homogenous and the course as a one unit. Math103 will bring students from different high school backgrounds to the same level of mathematical experience to help build an equal foundation amongst them all as a strong data base for all other Mathematics courses, Physics and Computer Science courses. Not only that, but mathematics is considered an important and basic tool used in all engineering disciplines.


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