Faculty of Applied Sciences and Arts


The Faculty of Applied Sciences and Arts at the German University in Cairo offers a study program in three major fields of design: Communication Design, Media Design and Product Design. Students are educated by both Egyptian and German staff coming from both academic backgrounds as well as practical experience.

The program aims to educate young design professionals with a global awareness and local understanding. Far from conventionalism, the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Arts seeks to create individuals with a strong personality, an increasing capability to perceive and observe economic, ecological, technological and cultural scopes as well as a general understanding of the functions of design and esthetics within these diverse systems. As many future developments are initiated by designers on multiple levels and through multiple interactions and interventions, the design program at GUC explores everyday challenges through intelligent, sustainable, humane and relevant concepts and projects.

From its establishment FASA supports the German University in Cairo’s (GUC) commitment to offer quality and a unique design educational institution in the region. Being in this position furthers FASA’s interaction with the wider transformations that are happening in Egypt, as well as, in the region. Reflections on these interactions promote advance experimentation and professional practices in design education and empower our students to be professional, active, and creative members in their societies.  FASA’s believes aligning with the design thinking setting from being a mere artistic practice, a provider of shapes for materialised objects, into advanced design processes that rely on creative and scientific methods and applications aims for a better understanding of our social systems and its problems and opportunities.





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