Humboldt Conference 2019

German-African Strategies:
A Partnership for Better Health, Education and Development
12-14 April 2019
 German University in Cairo, Egypt

The conference concept emphasizes the followings: 

1. The success of Germany’s Africa policy and the coordinated actions done by the German Government, organizations and scientists with the African organizations and scientists cooperating with it. This ensures that Germany’s Africa policy remains internally coherent, sets realistic goals and serves common values and interests.

2. Exposing the participants to the latest trends, discoveries and technologies in different disciplines of interest.

3. Strengthening interdisciplinary networking between the scientists and scholars  sponsored by the foundation and reinforcing the awareness of and interest in reciprocal collaborative research between German and African scientists.

4. Supporting junior scientists for enhanced skills and competencies in communication and collaborative networking through interactive experience sharing with senior national and international researchers, industrial people and decision makers in contemporary developmental issues.

5. Fostering the aims of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation by making the Foundation's programs more visible to young researchers in Egypt and empowering the young scientists to be enrolled in the German scientific community.





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