Working @ GUC

The German University in Cairo is an independent, non-profit oriented Egyptian private institution, managed by a consortium of Germans and Egyptians with the vision of building a leading center of excellence in teaching and research that will effectively contribute to the general welfare nationally and internationally and endeavour the scientific, technical, economic and cultural cooperation between Egypt and Germany.

The GUC offers a unique working environment where opportunities for professional success and personal fulfillment are endless. It is the GUC belief that each individual is an asset to the university and thus the GUC challenges to develop and enhance his/her area of expertise. The GUC believes that it has a major responsibility in building the capacity of the future leaders.

Working conditions for academic jobs

GUC is an equal opportunity employer. The GUC is addressing highly qualified teaching staff from Germany, Egypt or other countries. Those calibers must have passion for research, innovation, and integration of sciences. Contracts are for three years with renewal perspective. Salaries are dependent on academic qualifications and professional experience.

Teaching load for academic staff

The total working hours are 42 hours per week on campus; the teaching load is as follows: it is expected that the candidates would enrich the GUC Resarch profile with their research activities and publications in international journals

For the Faculties of Management Technology, Engineering and Pharmacy & Biotechnology:

  • Professors: 8 hours/week

  • Associate professors: 12 hours/week

  • Lecturers: 12 hours/week

  • Assistants: 14 hours/week

For the Faculty of Applied Sciences & Arts:

  • Professors: 18 hours/week

  • Lecturers: 18 hours/week

  • Instructors: 24 hours/week

  • Assistants: 24 hours/week

For German Center and English & Scientific Methods Department:

  • Language Instructors: 24 hours/week

Teaching load is defined as hours spent in a lecture, tutorial or laboratory and does not include the preparation time. The rest of the working hours include all teaching-related tasks such as preparing the study curriculum, processing and evaluating assignments, quizzes and exams, providing course manuscripts, hand-outs and putting teaching and demonstration material on the GUC intranet. I n addition, it includes research as well as other university-administration, development and activities tasks like student counseling and advising, office hours, committee assignments, invigilation of exams or any other academic or administrative assignments given by the University Management.

Commencement of Employment

Accepted applicants will be expected to start their employment at GUC pirior the start of the academic semester in order to prepare teaching material or participate in orientation programs.

Working condtions for non-academic jobs

  • Days off: Thursday/ Friday or Friday/Saturday

  • Working Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.


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