
Faculty of Law and Legal Studies

The German University in Cairo, GUC, is one of the Regional premier universities, based on its history of success, excellence and great educational achievements in the fields of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, Engineering, Management Technology and Applied Sciences and Arts, the newly- born GUC Faculty of law & Legal Studies is offering an unmatched environment of educational intimacy in the form of world renowned faculty, small classes, limitless opportunities for training and strong encouragement of public service.

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GUC Faculty of Law & Legal Studies

Emanating from the belief that the study of Law in general is interpreted as the study of understanding the society’s changes, aspirations and future plans as well as its problems incorporated in our day-to-day world, the curriculum of the GUC Faculty of Law & Legal Studies is designed to meet the increasing Internationalization need through international trade and economic relations between countries.

The GUC Faculty of Law & Legal Studies qualifies graduates to successfully join the legal and judicial profession. The faculty offers a range of common core courses as well as other sub-discipline courses and electives that expose students to the depth of law and legal studies discipline.

In alignment with GUC education and research strategy, the law and legal studies faculty encourages students to conduct inter- disciplinary projects and legal research. Students will receive significant contact teaching and tutorial time in addition to attending seminars and workshops, along with participating in moot court and moot arbitration in order to provide students with real life practical experience required to start their careers as professionals.

The GUC is not just aiming to graduate lawyers who are strong in their academic foundation and background but also well trained to be professional lawyers in the different fields. The integrated study faculty will focus on training the students to master the “lawyers analytical way of thinking” and adopting the needed personality traits. The faculty is also designed to encourage cross-cultural understanding in our increasingly global political community through International lecturers, guest speakers and encouraging study abroad programs.

It is intended with the new law faculty at the GUC to be the first in Egypt and the Arab world that puts large emphasis on providing the law graduates with practical skills that would allow them to join the legal profession in an expedient fashion through variable techniques of specialized training tutorials and trainings so as to enable the graduates to be effective members of the legal profession whether as legal advisors, lawyers or judges and to join the bar associations in other countries after doing additional studies.


The GUC Faculty of Law & Legal Studies will offer its students a unique curriculum that includes not only the regular study of Law but also with a European flavor and the international dimension. It will prepare our graduates to be able to deal with any challenge locally or internationally in a theoretically grounded academic manner. Our graduates will be able to excel in the international market in fields like: International Business Transactions, Arbitration, Civil Law, Public International Law, Advocacy Skills, Drafting of Agreements, Practical Training, International Trade Law – WTO, Commercial Law as well as Private International Law.

Moreover, this faculty will enable the GUC to be a pioneer in the field of study of Law in Egypt and the Arab World, as it has been in other study programs. GUC graduates are envisioned to play an active role in their country’s vision for economic growth and will be competent key players in any international business structure and regulation of business environment and transactions.

The faculty will train the next generation of law Professors, Public Servants, Private Lawyers, and Business and Community leaders. GUC Faculty of Law & Legal Studies  prepares graduates to take a leadership role in the world of law and in other spheres of influence.

Faculty Objectives

Graduates of the Law and Legal Studies faculty are expected to have the ability to:

  1. Establish themselves as professionals in the legal practice and Judiciary via applying the acquired technical knowledge and intellectual skills.
  2. Contribute to the society and the profession by handling the analysis, design, and assessment of complex legal problems in different fields of law.
  3. Pursue graduate studies and research in different fields of law in Egyptian, German, European and International academic institutions.
  4. Demonstrate good work ethics, communication abilities, and utilization of information technology in the multicultural and increasingly changing society.
  5. Work effectively as responsible professionals whether solely or collectively in teams.
  6. Engage in life- long learning to advance professionally and develop licensure in the fields of law and legal studies.

Our academic staff members are actively involved in public affairs in Egypt and international bodies. We have close links with prestigious law firms and leading members of the law profession in Egypt and abroad. Some are involved in our teaching and others support students and activities within school

Code Course Name
1 st Semester
CILA Introduction to Law (Theory of Legal Rights - Theory of Law)
PEPF Introduction to Political Economics
PRIN History of Legal and Social Systems in Egypt
PUIN International and Regional Organizations
CMLA Introduction to Common Law
CMLA General Principles of Human Rights
CSIS Introduction to Computer Science
HUMA English Language I (English for Academic purposes)
HUMA German Language I  (German for Academic purposes)
2 nd Semester
CMLA Political Systems
  The Constitutional Law
ISSH Principles of Islamic Sharia (History of Islamic Doctrines and Different Schools of Interpretations of Islamic Sharia)
CRLA Criminology and Penology
CILA Civil Law (Law of Contract)
  Legal Research
  Legal Research and Drafting Legal Opinion
HUMA English Language II (Introduction to Scientific Methods)
HUMA German Language II (German for Academic purposes)
3 rd Semester
CILA Civil Law (Theory of Contract)
CRLA Criminal Law (General Rules)
PEPF Political Economics
ISSH Islamic Sharia - Family Law
CILA Civil Obligations
  Law of Evidence in Common Law Systems
HUMA English Language III (Communication and Presentation Skills)
HUMA German Language III
4 th Semester
CILA Civil Law (Tort & Unjust Enrichment)
PUIN Public International Law
CMLA Administrative Law
CRLA Administrative Law (Constitutional & Legal Framework)
CILA Evidence Law
  Personal Status matters for non-Muslims
CILA Legal Research (Course II)
HUMA English Language IV (Research Paper Writing)
HUMA German Language IV
5 th Semester
CICO Law of Civil and Commercial Procedures
CILA Civil Law (Contracts of Sale, Lease, and Donation)
COLA Commercial Law
COLA Commercial Law (Companies and Investment Law)
COLA International Business Transactions
CRLA Criminal Law (Special Rules)
CICO Drafting of Contracts and law suit (Particulars / statements of Claims)
6 th Semester
ISSH Islamic Sharia (Inheritance , Will and Trust)
CILA Labor Law
CILA Social Insurance Law
PRIN Private International Law (Nationality and Status of Foreigners)
PEPF Public Finance
COLA The Legal Aspects of International Trade Law and WTO
CMLA Administrative Law II
CRLA Criminal Moot Court
CRLA Moot Court Including visiting courts and Legal Institutions
7 th Semester
ISSH Islamic Sharia (Islamic Jurisprudence)
COLA Maritime and Air Law
COLA International Commercial Arbitration
CMLA Administrative Contracts
CRLA Law of Criminal Procedures
  Elective Subject
COLA Moot Court and Arbitration Proceeding
8 th Semester
PRIN Private International Law (Conflict of Laws and Judicial Jurisdiction)
CICO Enforcement
  Tax Law
COLA Commercial Law (Banking Operations & Financial Leasing Law)
CILA International Intellectual Property Rights
  Civil Law (Ownership and rights derived from it)
  Elective Subject
  Securities regulation in a comparative perspective
CILA Drafting of Contracts and Legal Briefs



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