Computer Vision and Graphics

Computer Vision & Graphics Research Group:

In the digital era, digital imaging is rapidly growing to become an essential medium to retrieve, display and manipulate information. Digital imaging is the core around which different fields of computer research are established. Such fields include Computer Vision, Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Visualization. Although digital imaging can be considered a greatest common divisor among those fields, essential differences are present among them. For instance, while Computer Graphics is the field that is concerned with representing descriptive data through artificial digital imaging form, Computer Vision is the field that is concerned with extracting descriptive data from real-world digital images. Another closely related and important research field is Image Processing that is concerned with manipulation of digital images. Algorithms developed in this field may be used as pre-processing steps to enhance the outcome of a vision system. All the four fields; i.e., Computer Vision, Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Visualization, are connected to some extent.




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