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Rana Afify: GUC student of the Faculty of Applied Sciences & Arts is the award winner of the European Product Design Award

In Academic
Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The German University in Cairo (GUC) congratulates Rana Afify, an exceptional student of the Faculty of Applied Sciences & Arts for clinching a prestigious honor as a European Product Design Award winner. In the category of PERSONAL/Personal Fashion and Lifestyle Accessories, Afify's project stood out for its innovative approach to tackling the textile waste crisis plaguing the fashion industry.

Utilizing cutting-edge physical industry 4.0 technologies, Afify's project focuses on upcycling small scrap fabrics while repurposing larger ones and responsibly discarding smaller scraps. By incorporating bio-based TPU material for 3D printing onto various fabrics and employing laser-cutting techniques to enhance adhesion without the need for sewing, Afify's design not only offers structural integrity but also serves as a beacon of sustainability in the fashion world. This groundbreaking initiative not only addresses the staggering 92 million tons of waste generated by the fashion industry annually but also champions modularity and self-expression, empowering users to create personalized swatches with a conscience. Join us in extending heartfelt congratulations to Rana Afify for this remarkable achievement




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