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Dr. Doaa Abdulsalam Mugahid

In Alumni
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Dr. Doaa Megahed is one the remarkable graduates from the German University in Cairo - Faculty of Pharmacy & Biotechnology, Class 2008. After graduation, she started her Masters studies at the University of Heidelberg in Systems Biology and earned the degree in 2010, followed by earning her Doctor of Philosophy from the same university in 2015.


Dr. Doaa has been pursuing her career within the scientific research field as she worked first as a research student at the Max Delbrueck Centre for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany, afterward as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Harvard Medical School, United States of America.Currently Dr. Doaa is an associated editor at Nature Communications - Nature Research, New City. United States of America.


“Nature Communications is a peer-reviewed, open access, scientific journal published by Nature Research since 2010. It is a multidisciplinary journal and it covers the natural sciences, including physics, chemistry, earth sciences, medicine, and biology. The journal has editorial offices in London, Berlin, New York City, and Shanghai.”



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