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Marwa El Hefnawy – Exceptional Career Progress

In Academic
Monday, August 27, 2018

“I am always glad to be part of IET GUC alumni. During the time I spent at the GUC, I have been taught by great professors and had so many interesting and challenging courses, no matter how hard we all worked for assignments, projects, quizzes or midterm to final exams, all what I learnt gave me the rigid push towards my graduate studies and career so sincere thank you to all my teachers, teaching assistants and professors.” Qouting From Marwa Words.

Marwa has received her B.Sc. degree, with highest honor, from the German University in Cairo (GUC), Information Engineering and Technology (IET) faculty. She did her bachelor project in the institute of Signal Processing and System Theory at Stuttgart University. Marwa pursued her graduate studies and got her M.Sc. degree in Communications Engineering from Ulm University. She received her PhD degree from the LNT institute at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) under the supervision of Prof. Gerhard Kramer with the Topic: “Spectral efficiency and spectral shaping for Faster-Than-Nyquist signals” covering wireless communication, information theory and signal processing research areas. During her PhD studies, she worked at NTT-Docomo Euro Labs in Munich in the wireless research group. Her research area was new waveforms for 5G with main focus on Faster-Than-Nyquist (FTN) signals. She also participated in FP7 funding project METIS for the 5G radio link concepts work package. Marwa is currently Modem System Technologist (Strategy Planning) at Intel, Munich office, working on 5G and beyond.

And she has been appointed recently as Global Ambassador for Society of Women Engineers (SWE)



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